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Our Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) solutions let you automatically collect consumption, diagnostic and status data from your water, electric, and gas devices and then transfer that data to a central database for billing and analysis.


The AMR solution includes HES with Meter Data Acquisition System ( MDAS ) & Meter Data Management ( MDM ) software for data collection & management.

Benefits to Management
  • Enhances employee and customer safety by reducing the number of personnel on the road and providing safer reading methods

  • Monitors tampering and theft

  • Lowers the cost of meter reading

  • Provides real-time billing information, reducing estimated readings and re-billing costs

  • Reduces billing errors and disputes

  • Enables flexible reading schedules, eliminating delays in summary billing of commercial accounts

  • Increases cash flow by allowing quarterly or semi-monthly accounts to be converted to monthly billing

  • Reduces customer complaint calls and increases customer satisfaction

  • Promotes energy conservation and customer savings with time-of-use consumption

Benefits to your customers
  • Reduces billing errors

  • Increases confidence in service

  • Increases information about usage and empowers them to conserve resources and save money

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