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Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

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‘Vishvin with vast expertise and experience in this field is poised to play a major role as a system integrator by undertaking supply, installation, and maintenance of IT Infrastructure and Smart Meter integration for seamless functioning of AMI. Our End-to-end AMI solutions provide HES, MDMS, Consumer Portal, Mobile apps which will aid utilities to optimize energy planning demand side and outage management.

HES (MDAS ) & MDM for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) 

Designed to suit Energy, Water & Gas Systems, we have advanced Head End System that has a robust MDAS ( Meter Data Acquisition System HES is designed  to acquire meter data automatically avoiding any human intervention and monitoring parameters acquired from meters. HES periodically collects data from all meters & the data is processed for all alarms and commands such as connect/disconnect for those meters. 


HES ensures data integrity checks, for example, checksum, time check, pulse, overflow, etc. on all metered data.


The Meter Data Management system (MDM)  supports storage, archiving, retrieval & analysis of meter data and various other MIS along with validation & verification algorithms. The MDM is a scalable COTS product. It acts as a central data repository with an interactive dashboard. MDM imports raw or validated data in defined formats and exports the processed and validated data to various other systems sources & services  and provides validated data for upstream systems such as billing, analytics, reporting, etc

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